The Vowel Zoo!

Students in Mrs. White’s Kindergarten classes researched and made animals that started with the short vowel sound.  They worked in small groups to build their creations, and then animated them with an app called ChatterPix Kids.  Take a look at their zoo below!

The projects are also posted on the Oak Grove Digital Archive, including Vowel Zoos from Mrs. Blankenship’s Class and Mrs. Fox’s Class.

Lego iMovie Trailers

Students in Mrs. Sharp’s and Mrs. Downey’s Math and Writing classes used Legos to practice skills! First, they created lego houses based on a STEM activity created by Mrs. Downey. They found the area and perimeter of each of the rooms in their houses, and made sure to include at least one simple machine and working light.

Lego Houses:

Then, in writing class, they created Lego video trailers using the iMovie app.  I created templates for them to use here:

iMovie Trailer Script Plans

But there are many iMovie Trailer templates out there! Here’s a few more I’m considering using next time:

iMovie for iPad – Storyboard Help Sheets

iMovie for iPad Printable Storyboard Templates

Here’s what the students created.  They only had one class period to write and film their trailers!

Lego Trailers:

The Journey from elemitrt on Vimeo.

The Cabin from elemitrt on Vimeo.

Super Family from elemitrt on Vimeo.

Summer’s Here from elemitrt on Vimeo.

Creepy Connie from elemitrt on Vimeo.

Check Out their Final Lego Movie Blog Posts here!

Famous American Glogs

Mrs. Bralley’s Third Grade Reading Classes have been learning about Famous People. They’ve read stories, explored interactive iPad apps, researched, made story cubes, and even created their own Glogs on Glogster EDU.

They are very proud of their work. Check out a few of Glogster posters below or check them all out in the class Glog Book.

First Graders Make Economics Posters

Students in first grade at Glenvar are making Pic Collages about Producers and Consumers. The kids LOVED using Pic College!  Here are a few examples (and pictures)!



Anti-Bullying with Sock Puppets

Mrs. Pollock’s Guidance classes in third and fourth grade at Glenvar have been role playing bullying situations by using the app Sock Puppets.  In Third Grade, they practiced different strategies to get out of a bullying situation.  In Fourth Grade, they practiced the importance of bystanders.  Here are a few of their videos below:

Kindergarten Mother’s Day Stories

Students in Mrs. Clapper’s Kindergarten Class created Digital Stories with the Story Kit app about their moms for Mother’s Day! They have pictures, text, and sound. Students did all the work themselves, starting with the “selfie” they took using the camera app.  Click on their selfies below to interact a few examples below.  If you see a sound button, turn up your volume and click it to hear their voices!

Photo Apr 07, 8 55 15 AM Photo Apr 07, 8 53 56 AM Photo Apr 07, 8 54 04 AM  Photo Apr 07, 8 53 11 AM

During the class’ Mother’s Day Tea, moms will receive a handmade card with a QR code on it that links to their child’s story!  How fun!


Solar System Virtual Posters

Students in Mrs. Graves Fourth Grade Science class choose one of two apps, Pic Collage and Popplet, to create virtual posters about the Solar System.  Take a look at a few examples below!

Mrs. Bier’s Class Writes Science iBooks

Students in Mrs. Bier’s writing class researched and wrote interactive Science books on various topics like electricity, rocks and minerals, and magnets! Along the way, the took videos and pictures and even completed science experiments.

There are two versions of each book: epub and pdf. The epub contains videos and audio and can be downloaded in iBooks (on an iPad or iPhone/iPod Touch) or any other ebook reader. The pdf can be downloaded on a computer and printed but does not have interactive features. Check them out by clicking on the links below!

View all the Science eBooks here


Mouse Traps

Third Graders in Mrs. Weikle’s class created Mouse Traps during a STEM project that targeted Simple Machines and 3D shapes.

Mrs. Weikle showed a Rube Goldberg inspired video before the students started their project.

Then students broke up in groups and created their mouse traps. The traps had to contain at least one simple machine (screw, pulley, lever, wedge, inclined plane, wheel and axel). Students were prepared to explain how their mouse trap worked, and what the simple machine did to help it. They also needed to identify the 3D shapes they used when building. Most of the groups even had time to create a Pic Collage labeling the parts of their machines.

Take a look at their creations below!

Cross Posted in the Oak Grove Digital Archive.