
2nd graders created motion activated “Hack-O-Lanterns” using Little Bits and basic circuit/robotic skills in the Oak Grove Makerspace. They light up when someone walks by!

Check them out in action below:

<iframe src=”//player.vimeo.com/video/110780232″ width=”500″ height=”281″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

Batty Books


Students in Second grade reading classes created Bat Books after reading and researching bats. They used the app Book Creator.  This app allowed them to add text, pictures, and audio to their books.  They really did a very nice job!

There are two versions of each book: epub and pdf.  The epub can be downloaded and read in iBooks (on an iPad or iPhone/iPod Touch) or any other ebook reader.  You will even be able to hear your child read!  The pdf can be downloaded on a computer and printed.  Check them out below!

Mrs. Boone’s Reading Class

Mrs. Vest’s Reading Class

Mrs. Clark’s Reading Class






Cross posted on the Clearbrook Digital Archive.

Moon Stop Motion

Check out the Moon Stop Motion videos third graders created!  They used the app iMotion HD.

 View them all here:

Moon Stop Motion — Weikle

Moon Stop Motion — Ryder

Moon Stop Motion — Moretz

Mr. Ryder’s class also created Pic Collages to show the phases of the moon.

Cross Posted on the Oak Grove Digital Archive.

Butterfly Life Cycle Books

Students in Mrs. Wiggington and Mrs. Allen’s classes created Butterfly Life Cycle Digital Books after they hatched classroom butterflies.  They used the app Book Creator.  This app allowed them to add text, pictures, and audio to their books.  They really did a very nice job! You can listen to them read their stories here:

Mrs. Allen’s Class

Mrs. Wiggington’s Class

There are two versions of each book: epub and pdf.  The epub can be downloaded and read in iBooks (on an iPad or iPhone/iPod Touch) or any other ebook reader.  The pdf can be downloaded on a computer and printed.  Check them out below!

Mrs. Allen’s Class

Mrs. Wiggington’s Class

Cross posted on the Oak Grove Digital Library.