Using Flip Cameras with Movie Maker


There’s two ways to use the Flip Video camera with your Movie Maker software.

First Way–Install Flip Video Software

(Go through the complete process the first time you use your camera with a computer):

  • Plug in your flip video.
  • Choose “View your Videos in Flip Video Software.” (if this option doesn’t already pop up for you, click My Computer > Flip Video Drive > Setup_FlipShhare)
  • Go through the steps to install the Flip Video Software.
  • Now you can export your videos off the flip camera, save them to your computer, or close of out the software altogether. You should also now be able to import videos into Movie Maker.

Second Way–Install the ffdshow Codec

(for lab computers, if you don’t want the flip video software installed, or if the above steps don’t work):

Need to know how to use Movie Maker?  Here’s a Movie Maker Handout.

Now you, and your students, will be able to use your flip video movies in movie maker and create all sorts of great digital stories!  :)

Flip Videos at East Salem

We have two new pieces of equipment at East Salem thanks to a Food Lion Grant. They are called Flip Videos. These cute little devices will record video with the push of a button…and they attach directly to your computer to remove the videos when they are done. And, if that wasn’t cool enough, they also come with their own video editing software, running right on the camera itself (so nothing to install beforehand). When we bought them, our hope was that they’d be used by kids! So, what better way to tell the teachers about them than to let the kids do a demo? I found a few kids from Mrs. Chittum’s class and handed them the cameras…no instructions on how they worked. In less than 30 sec. they were taping one another…then we were off to do interviews! Here’s the video they made to show the teachers how these little gadgets work:

Download Video: Posted by tcoffey at

If you are interested in having your students use these in class, see Luci to check them out.