Learning from 4th and 5th graders

I’ve spent the last week having a chance to go into classrooms and talk to kids about internet safety at East. While it’s not my favorite topic to teach, I’ve been amazed at what I’ve learned during the whole process. I have always believed our kids use more technology than we realize, but being there and listening to them talks cements it even more in my mind. I thought I kept pretty on top of the games and sites kids like, but I’ve heard about all sorts of new games and websites this trip! I’ve spent my weekend trying to catch up. And while I was pretty sure that many of our kids had cell phones, I was surprised when a third to half of a class of 5th graders raised their hands when I asked that question. Pam recently posted a video on her blog that we have been talking about redoing with our own students, and after this week, I’m even more excited about doing it. I can’t wait to see what I learn about our students. Here’s the original video:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/_A-ZVCjfWf8" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]