World Maths Day

world-maths-day-2010Students at Oak Grove Elementary participated in World Maths Day on March 3, an event in which students all across the world work to answer mental math as quickly as possible. Students had the opportunity to practice and then compete with students from many different countries, and collectively answered 21,211 math problems correctly on the day of the event. Unfortunately, the site did get very full and slow on the actual event day.  However, ahead of time, students practiced and answered 38,958 problems correctly! Way to go Oak Grove!! 

In the event this year, 1,133,246 students and 56,082 schools from 235 countries united to set a new world record by correctly answering 479,732,613 questions.  That’s a lot of math!!

Next year we hope to use the World Maths Day ipod app to participate in the event.  You can even use the app now to play now and practice your facts!  Hopefully next year the date won’t fall during SOL testing. :)

A big thanks to Mrs. Tyler who coordinated and lead the event, and all the teachers who participated (Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Wiggington, Mr. Summers, Mrs. Atkins,  and Mrs. Glowenski).

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